29 novembre 2010

night of fun

A new week is started. School, homeworks, afternoon of studying, but also: America's Next Top Model, Sailor moon, facebook etc. I can't say that I'm one of those people who doesn't have a social life during the week, because I do. But the weekend is obviously my favourite part of the entire week. The last Saturday has been CRAZY!
In the morning I went to school, so it hasn't been really that much funny :P but in the afternoon I went out with some friends: Carlotta, I'm sure I wrote about her some posts ago, and Giulia, the girl who during the summer was dating with the boy. It was SO cold outside, but we were out for shopping, so we had to go in and out of the shops of my city and we have been much of the time at the warm! (I'm pretty sure that is wrong say "at the warm" buuuut.. It's ok! xD )
Anyways, when I was at home I began to get ready for the night! So I did my hair, my make up and I chose my outfite!! Saturday night, I went to the birthday party of one of my Best Friend, Francesco, who is the boyfriend of my BF, Irene. It sounds pretty strange, doesn't it?! ;) Ok so, we had dinner in a restaurant in Verona, named PIPER. It'so chic, so Gossip Girl!!!! Irene and I felt like Serena and Blair..! <3
After the dinner and the opening of our gifts, just me, Francesco, Irene and Alessandro (Francesco's cousin) went to a disco, Dorian Gray/Le disque. I really had fun!!!! There were so many people that was pretty difficult to move around!! :P There I met some friends and some "friends". It doesn't make any sense, I'm aware of that, but I promise I'll explain to you what I mean in the next post, now I have to study Art!! -.-

With Love

19 novembre 2010

second episode

As I said in the first "episode", in this period of my life there are so many things which are going on. In the previous post I've written in particular about what I don't really like of my life, about some problems that I have to "overcome", but now I want to write about happy things. ;)

First of all, I have to say that 2 days ago I had dinner with my Best Friend and we talked for something like 3 hours, so I can definitely say that, at the moment, our friendship is almost perfect. We clarified our misunderstandings and after all, we see things in the same way. She thought that I wasn't really angry with the other girl, but I do it's just that I'm acting on a different way! :)
Then, I have a new friend! Her name is Giulia. I met her a year ago or so, but we began to make friendship just during these months. Honestly, knowing that se was dating with The Boy, I decided to know her better.. :P I knew that she is a very good girl and I really didn't want that he teased her, too. I was right. He did. But she has been strong and she wasn't really interested with him. She didn't really care about him. Now we're friends, I care about her and we're thinking about what we may do against him. You know, he doesn't like that 2 of her "EXs" are friends and we're using this point in our advantage. :P STUPID BOY, now it's your turn!!!! Any advicesssss?? =)
Talking about the future: December 21st. Milan. Me. Erika. Together. I CAN'T WAIIIIIT TO SEE YOU AGAIN SWEET HONEY!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 We'll do a video, ok?! :P Love youu!!

That's that, I go to see America's Next Top Model! <3

With Love

15 novembre 2010

first episode

A blog is a kind of diary, right?! I don't really care if I'm writing just for myself, I feel the need to do it, so here I am, pressing my fingertips on the keyboard, letter after letter: I have to talk with someone, who doesn't know me, about this period.
It's a very strange moment of my life! One day I'm excited for everything, I feel like if everyone is my friend and I can trust on him/her, in other words: I'm Happy! But then, everything changes: I see my BF far from me, I feel like if I can't trust in no one, I feel alone: I'm Sad!
There are so many things that are going on in my life, so many things that are changing. I found out something that maybe were better I didn't know.. An example?! Oh well, one of those girls that I used to consider as one of my best friends texted with The Boy.. And she has a boyfriend. I don't care anymore about him (I mean, I don't like him anymore) but that's not how your best friend should act. Am I wrong? I don't think so! So that's not nice, that's not a thing that makes you feel good. I don't trust on her anymore.
I decided to pretend nothing has happened, because I shouldn't know that fact and actually she doesn't know that I know. Does that make any sense? :)
I was a sincere person, one of the only who ALWAYS says what thinks and I'm still so. It's just that I decided to adopt a different behaviour with some people: best of a bad game.
My Best Friend knows me, she knows how I am and she can't understand WHY I'm acting so, instead of tell everything I think to this girl about her, without any problem.
So.. I see that she's telling me that just for me, but she can't decide what I have to do or not. After all even she is that much sincere with some people! I know she has quarrelled with this Girl, but I'm free to do, to act as I want and I don't think is right if she gets angry with me for this reason. And then I feel my BF far from me in a physical sense, because it's almost 2 weeks that we don't speak to each other in tranquillity: during the week we have to study, in the weekends she "has to work" (she's a model). So I really miss her. Luckily on Wednesday we'll have dinner together. :)
Anyways, there are also good things that are happening to me. New friends and stuff like that. :) I'm going to talk about that next time, now I go to sleep because I'm super tired.

With Love