01 settembre 2010

01st September

01st September: it means that just 12 days of holidays and then.. OMG no, I can't believe that.. Just 12 days to the beginning of school. That's really super super tragic!!!!!!!!! :( No, I don't have to think about that. >.<

Ssssso.. Last time, I talked about my incredible experience in England, instead now I'm going to talk about my intership in the hospital. I spent the mornings of 3 weeks in the hospital and ok.. The first day I have to admit that I was pretty "scared", because I didn't know what I was going to do, but honestly, everything went good since the first moment. I loved stay there, with older and professional people that taught me their job, introduced me to doctors and other important people and see what a dietist does: I would like to become a dietist! ;) So, to me, it wasn't hard wake up at 08.00 am and go to "work" because I really had good time. At the end of these 3 weeks I was kind of sad -I'm sure you can see what I mean ;)- but I was SO happy, knowing that everyone I met or with I worked was very satisfied by my professional behaviour and job. It has been definitely nice to hear. I was so glad. :)

Now, come back to the first object of this post.. School?! Uhm, nope. Holiday?! Nope. 13th September?! Yep!!! :) What's going to happen on Sempteber 13th? You know!? Yeah, I'm sure you know. ;) Just 2 words: GOSSIP GIRL! ;D Omg, I can't wait to see the new season. I have to know what is going to happen to Chuck -of course he didn't die in the last episode of the third season u.u -, to Blair, to Nate, to everyone. I'm so in love with this telefilm. <3 If I think about almost one year ago, when everyone I know talk me about this telefilm saying: you're crazy! Gossip Girl is YOUR telefilm. You're so like Blair. All these kind of stuff. (and I have to say that I was a little bored by all these comments), my feelings to this telefilm almost make my laugh. xD One evening, I watched an episode -the one wherein Blair should be a model for the new collection of clothes by her mother, but Serena take her place.. Can you remember?-.. What was I saying? Uhmm.. Ok so, I said that I tried to see this episode and... Yuck! I found it so stupid, so boring so.. Not for me!! Time passed, till one day I searched for this famous Gossip Girl episodes in streaming and I began to watch it. Ok, gradually, I changed completely my opinion. That's definitely for me. Blair is a kind of my alterego. So.. I'm fallen in love with this telefilm, too. :)

I think I've written enough for today. Just one more thing: HELLO ERIKA!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
I had to say that. :P
With Love

1 commento:

  1. Sweetieee I'm no more able to post comments, I have some problems with it! ahahah
    I look forward to meeting youuu <3
