11 settembre 2010

September 11th, 2001 - Septmber 11th, 2010

As all of you know, 9 years ago something REALLY orrible is happened, an event that marked the lives of thousands of innocent people!
I have to be honest, 9 years ago I didn't really realized what WAS happened, I was just a kid that was watching the TV and suddenly saw the imagines and videos of 2 towers falling down, attached by 2 airplanes. Obviously, I was shocked seeing those documents, listening the media that talked about this event for weeks and weeks, but I didn't realized the seriousness of the event.
Now, I'm grown and thinking about that, seeing again the videos of the attack to the twin towers of NY, I can understand. Now, seeing those documents, I feel tremendously bad and my eyes are filled with tears.
Yesterday, I saw "Remember Me" for the second time and, at the end, I started to cry as when I saw it at the cinema. I don't want to keep this post too long, I just want to say that I'm near to all the families and the friends of the ones who died, the ones who were wounded and the missing ones.
With love,

01 settembre 2010

01st September

01st September: it means that just 12 days of holidays and then.. OMG no, I can't believe that.. Just 12 days to the beginning of school. That's really super super tragic!!!!!!!!! :( No, I don't have to think about that. >.<

Ssssso.. Last time, I talked about my incredible experience in England, instead now I'm going to talk about my intership in the hospital. I spent the mornings of 3 weeks in the hospital and ok.. The first day I have to admit that I was pretty "scared", because I didn't know what I was going to do, but honestly, everything went good since the first moment. I loved stay there, with older and professional people that taught me their job, introduced me to doctors and other important people and see what a dietist does: I would like to become a dietist! ;) So, to me, it wasn't hard wake up at 08.00 am and go to "work" because I really had good time. At the end of these 3 weeks I was kind of sad -I'm sure you can see what I mean ;)- but I was SO happy, knowing that everyone I met or with I worked was very satisfied by my professional behaviour and job. It has been definitely nice to hear. I was so glad. :)

Now, come back to the first object of this post.. School?! Uhm, nope. Holiday?! Nope. 13th September?! Yep!!! :) What's going to happen on Sempteber 13th? You know!? Yeah, I'm sure you know. ;) Just 2 words: GOSSIP GIRL! ;D Omg, I can't wait to see the new season. I have to know what is going to happen to Chuck -of course he didn't die in the last episode of the third season u.u -, to Blair, to Nate, to everyone. I'm so in love with this telefilm. <3 If I think about almost one year ago, when everyone I know talk me about this telefilm saying: you're crazy! Gossip Girl is YOUR telefilm. You're so like Blair. All these kind of stuff. (and I have to say that I was a little bored by all these comments), my feelings to this telefilm almost make my laugh. xD One evening, I watched an episode -the one wherein Blair should be a model for the new collection of clothes by her mother, but Serena take her place.. Can you remember?-.. What was I saying? Uhmm.. Ok so, I said that I tried to see this episode and... Yuck! I found it so stupid, so boring so.. Not for me!! Time passed, till one day I searched for this famous Gossip Girl episodes in streaming and I began to watch it. Ok, gradually, I changed completely my opinion. That's definitely for me. Blair is a kind of my alterego. So.. I'm fallen in love with this telefilm, too. :)

I think I've written enough for today. Just one more thing: HELLO ERIKA!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
I had to say that. :P
With Love