08 marzo 2010

Skin Routine

Yeah, finally I'm going to write about my Skin Routine!!
-When I wake-up, I wash my face with a cleanser that I bought in a chemist's shop because my dermatologist prescribed it to me.

Sorry for awful quality! :(

-Then, I apply a moisturizer and I'm using this one by Nivea for thin skin.

-In the evening, beforo I go to sleep, I wash my face with another cleanser/make-up remomer and I apply it on a cotton diskette or I use a little sponge. Also this product is by Nivea. :)

This is my skin routine.. Then, just once or twice a week I do a scrub in the evening, using a Nivea visage young product.

I really think that these products work very well.. But I also think that when I'll finish these ones, I'll change products, but just because I like try always different things.

With Love


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