24 marzo 2010

24th March


This is a sentence from "Last Call" a song by Plain White T's.. I found it casually and I'm completely in love with it.. I was looking for bands emocore, such as Blessthefall, and on Wikipedia they were mentioned.. Honestly I don't think that their music is emocore, but I love them.. I like especially this song, "You and Me" and "Sad Story".
The sentence I wrote at the beginning of this post it's perfect for many situations and maybe all of us would remember it, in particular when we have to take a decision, imporant or not. Sometimes it's ok be instinctive, but just sometimes.. Generally it's better take the necessary time to think before do changes.
This is just my opinion, Of Course!!!!
Try to listen these songs and let me know if you like them. :)I'll write as soon as possible.

With Love


08 marzo 2010

Skin Routine

Yeah, finally I'm going to write about my Skin Routine!!
-When I wake-up, I wash my face with a cleanser that I bought in a chemist's shop because my dermatologist prescribed it to me.

Sorry for awful quality! :(

-Then, I apply a moisturizer and I'm using this one by Nivea for thin skin.

-In the evening, beforo I go to sleep, I wash my face with another cleanser/make-up remomer and I apply it on a cotton diskette or I use a little sponge. Also this product is by Nivea. :)

This is my skin routine.. Then, just once or twice a week I do a scrub in the evening, using a Nivea visage young product.

I really think that these products work very well.. But I also think that when I'll finish these ones, I'll change products, but just because I like try always different things.

With Love


07 marzo 2010

07th March

Here I am.
The last night I and my best friends had dinner at my home, because I wanted to celebrete Women's Day all together. After dinner we began to get reasy so I was the assigned to hair-style, meanwhile Veronica to the make-up. Tomorrow I'll post some photos. :)
With Love